
We don't want shipping charges and fees to prohibit you from purchasing the products you love for your pet(s). We also know how frustrating it can be to enjoy shopping for items only to get hit with huge or confusing shipping charges at checkout that put the order out of your budget. What a bummer.

So, we've made ours really easy to understand.

All orders over $59 (sales tax not included) on our website ship completely free. And smaller orders that don't quite make that minimum ship for a flat fee of $9.99, regardless of what's in that order. You'll always know what you're paying for shipping as you shop.

Once your order is placed, we'll ship as quickly and efficiently as we can. We ship anywhere in the contiguous United States. Most orders ship via USPS Priority Mail, and we will send you your tracking information as soon as it's available so you know when to expect your item(s). While we strive to get all orders out the door in less than 48 hours, some orders might require a little bit more time. If that's the case, you'll hear from us with an expected timeline.

Of course, if you ever experience any issues with shipping or delivery, just send us a quick email to let us know what's happening so we can work with you to solve the issue.